Elmore Field Days Profile - Ian Johnson


Name: Ian Johnson


What is or was your job?

I am currently retired and have been living in Rosebud for the past 9 years. Originally, I was a farmer from Corop.                                             


If applicable, what is your current role with the Elmore Field Days?

Each year I still come up to Elmore to help with the Field Days. I do what I’m asked to do including driving telehandlers and tractors to help exhibitors with setting up their sites.


Notable/favourite roles at the field days in the past:

I was President of the Field Days Committee from both 1976- 1977 and 1981 – 1982, and have also stood on many committees. I was involved in the introduction of the tractor pull event in 1976. Bevin Mckee went to America and brought the idea back with him. My brother Alan and I made the first tractor and pull in Australia. Its now located in Quambatook and is used during the tractor pull each Easter Sunday. I was President of VASA and helped when they created the national body.


If applicable, how many years were you on the Elmore Field Days Committee and/or how many years were you involved for?

Although I still like to be involved today, I was actively on the Committee for over 40 years


How did you become involved with the Elmore Field Days?

I was a member of Young Farmers, around the age of 25 you became too old to be in that group so my father in law, Herb Capewell, introduced me to the Field Days Committee after that.  


What is your favourite part or some memories of the Elmore Field Days?

Talking! Talking to people, eating food, and driving around helping where I can. It is a great community and it's good to see everyone come together for it. Field Days are still important because at the end of the day community’s rely on it, and if it stops what happens to that community? We’ve come along way since my days as President. The Office was only open on a Friday and we’d all head in and have coffee and biscuits. Our secretary May Mann didn’t even have a typewriter, and I remember Wayne Cowan flew us to purchase a second hand one .


How do you enjoy spending your spare time?

I enjoy collectable vehicles and I’m part of a vintage engine club here in Rosebud. Last year we went away 18 times and I really enjoy it.


Any other comments/ thoughts/ memories you’d like to share:

Another of my highlights was on a cold winter’s night a Field Days from miles away called me because they were having trouble with their Committee. Eventually we were able to work out ways to keep the Committee together.

Also, it’s important to pay tribute to the founding members of the Field Days. One person can’t do anything on their own unless they’ve got someone behind them, and it’s important to acknowledge the people who help you when taking on these roles in committees such as my wife, brother Alan, and my father.


If you are interested in finding out more information about joining our committee please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.